Our Hands are Up ! 
Thank You for your support!

Thank you for donating to the Duwamish Tribe. Your support means so much. Your efforts and support can be seen throughout our longhouse, and we raise our hands to you in thanks for all you do.  
ʔəsbutbutlačibitubułəd čəł, syayayəʔ.

Wide Real Rent Thank You Poster .jpg
Cecile Hands Up.jpg

Donations like yours have provided the Duwamish Tribe and Longhouse with stability over and above all else. Real Renters and donors have raised awareness of the presence of the Duwamish Tribe and drawn more visitors to the longhouse to hear about the history of Seattle and to learn about Chief Seattle’s Duwamish Tribe. Thank you, Real Renters, donors and friends for your support, dedication and friendship.

Your support has had numerous impacts on the Tribe and our longhouse, including:


Major Impacts

Longhouse financial stability

Raising awareness of the Duwamish Tribe

Allows us to help tribal members with medical, housing and legal assistance

Allowed us to increase staff

Allowed us to transport tribal members and staff to Italy and France to spread global awareness of the Tribe

Updated website

Expanded gift shop inventory

Longhouse Upgrades


Serviced HVAC system for the first time in 10 years

New washer/dryer for kitchen

New speaker system and projector

Restriped the parking lot

Pressure washed the building

New computers and server

New phone system

Storage shed

New Duwamish awning allowing us to participate in festivals


Cultural Upgrades

Support of the Duwamish Canoe Family

Purchase of support boat for journey

Repairing Raven Canoe

Ridge to River Duwamish Trail building

Native plant signs

Current and Upcoming Projects

Upgrading security cameras

Collections care and proper artifact storage

Upgrading conference room

Updating education programming and curriculum with People of the Cascadia author and consultant Heidi Bohan

Duwamish River Story virtual reality experience for longhouse education in partnership with Seattle Public Libraries

Window screens with artwork honoring Marvin Oliver

Digital signage in gallery to show our videos and showcase upcoming events

Collateral to negotiate buying the adjacent property to expand our parking lot and make a safer driveway