Native Health and Wellness Care
Heath And Wellness Resource Guide
Native Seattle, a Urban Health and Wellness Resource Guide
Site navigation:
All service providers are listed alphabetically in their fields. For more information click on the name of the service provider to be redirected to their organization website. Crisis Line Information, Emergency Lines, and Native-Specific Resources are featured first followed by all other subsections listed in alphabetical order.
Crisis Line Information
All information taken from:
If you are in a state of emergency, please dial 9-1-1 immediately.
Transportation Options For Medical Conditions During COVID-19
With public transportation being less accessible well as a high-risk environment, for those who depend on transportation for medical needs, this change largely affected options. However this does not change the need for safe transportation options. Here is a guide that was created for: Transportation Options For Medical Conditions During COVID-19.
King County 2-1-1:
King County 2-1-1 connects people to the help they need. We provide the most comprehensive information on health and human services in King County. Whether it’s for housing assistance, help with financial needs, or to find the location of the nearest food bank, Just dial 211.
24-Hour Crisis Line:866-4-CRISIS (866-427-4747)
The 24-Hour Crisis Line provides immediate help to individuals, families, and friends of people in emotional crisis. We can help you determine if you or your loved one needs professional consultation and we can link you to the appropriate services. We are a primary source for linking Seattle-King County residents to emergency mental health services.
Washington Recovery Help Line: 866-789-1511
The Washington Recovery Help Line is an anonymous and confidential help line that provides crisis intervention and referral services for Washington State residents. Professionally trained volunteers and staff are available to provide emotional support 24 hours a day, and offer local treatment resources for substance abuse, problem gambling, and mental health as well as to other community services.
WA Warm Line: 877-500-WARM
WA Warm Line is a peer support help line for people living with emotional and mental health challenges. Calls are answered by specially-trained volunteers who have lived experience with mental health challenges. They have a deep understanding of what you are going through and are here to provide emotional support, comfort, and information. All calls are confidential.
Teen Link: 866-833-6546
Teen Link is a confidential and anonymous help line for teens. Trained teen volunteers are available to talk with you about any issue of concern. No issue is too big or too small!
emergency lines
Child Protective Services: 866-363-4276
Domestic Violence Hotline: 800-799-7233
King County Sexual Assault Resource Center: 888-998-6423
King County Family Emergency Community Shelter Intake Line: 206 245 1026
National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 800-273-8255
Veterans Affairs Crisis Line: 800-273-8255 then press 1
Washington Poison Center Information Line: 800 222 1222
Washington Recovery Helpline: 866 789 1511
native-specific resources
Chief Seattle Club
Drop in center for clothes, meals, hygiene, benefits, housing and treatment assistance for American Indians and Alaska Natives 18 years of age and older. No fees; accepts Medicaid for chemical dependency assessments. Located in Central Seattle.
Cowlitz Tribal Health Services
Health services including general medical attention, well child exams, family planning, women’s health, health education and mental health counseling and evaluations for American Indians and Alaska Natives. Accepts Medicare, Medicaid, Regence, Premera, First Choice, etc. Locations in Longview and Vancouver.
Neighborhood Legal Clinics
Federal and state court legal services for low-income Native American King County residents or those with cases in King County courts. No fees. Located in Central Seattle.
Labateyah Youth Home
Part of United Indians of All Tribes Foundation. 25-bed youth home providing services for homeless youth including medical and educational services, case management, life skills training and career counseling. Housing services for youth between the ages of 18 and 23 for up to 18 months. Located in North Seattle.
Seattle Indian Center
Advocacy and support services, shelter, day center, food pantry, meal service and employment services primarily serving American Indians, Alaska Natives and Hawaiian Natives. Located in Central Seattle.
Seattle Indian Health Board
Medical, dental, mental health, chemical dependency, education, maternity services, infant health care, WIC and outpatient services primarily serving American Indian and Alaska Native people. Accepts Medicare, Medicaid and most major insurance plans; discounted fees available. Located in Central Seattle.
United Indians of All Tribes Foundation
Employment services, Native Elders Program, early education programs, foster care programs and child welfare. No fees. Located in North Seattle.
dental and vision services
Child and adult dental care accepting most insurance plans, Medicare and Medicaid; sliding scale fees. Locations in Tukwila and Des Moines.
International Community Health Services
Child and adult dental care accepting most insurance plans, Medicare and Medicaid; sliding scale fees. Language support for Asian/Pacific Islanders. Will not turn away for general services if unable to pay. Dental locations in Shoreline, South Seattle, and Central Seattle. Vision location in Central Seattle.
King County Public Health
General dental care services accepting Medicaid; tiered flat fee for uninsured patients. Locations in North Seattle and South Seattle for children up to 18 years of age, and Central Seattle for homeless youth and adults 13 years of age and older.
Millionair club Charity
Weekly eye clinic offering free glasses once a year for those without health insurance below 200 percent of the Federal Poverty Level. No fees taken; appointments necessary. Located in Central Seattle.
Neighborcare Health
Child and adult dental care accepting most insurance plans, Medicare and Medicaid; sliding scale fees. Will not turn away patients if unable to pay. Locations in Meridian, 45th Street, Central District, Rainier Beach, Pacific Tower, High Point and Georgetown.
Sea Mar Community Health Centers
Child and adult dental care accepting most private insurance plans and Medicaid; sliding scale fees. Provides emergency dental care. Locations in Burien, Des Moines and South Seattle.
drug and alcohol services
Seattle Treatment Services
Counseling services and programs to individuals who have been court ordered or voluntarily want to participate in Chemical Dependency or Domestic Violence Perpetrator Treatment Programs. Located in Central District.
Add Health Counseling
Outpatient treatment, alcohol and drug information school, DUI assessments, and DBHR-certified services for people with drug and alcohol difficulties. Locations in Central and South Seattle.
Cascade Behavioral Services
Psychiatric hospital and behavioral health treatment center providing service for behavioral health and substance abuse treatment needs. Provides detoxification services, inpatient and outpatient treatment for adults 18 years of age and older Accepts Medicare, Kaiser Permanente, TRICARE, United Healthcare and private insurance providers. Located in Tukwila.
Catholic Community Services Crew Program
Outpatient services for adults 18 years of age and older providing DBHR-certified services. Accepts Medicaid. Located in Central Seattle.
Evergreen Treatment Services
DBHR-certified services; outpatient treatment for adults with opioid use disorder. Accepts Medicaid and private insurance providers. Located in South Seattle.
Harborview Medical Center
DBHR- certified services; outpatient treatment for substance use and mental health disorders including DUI evaluations and opiate replacement therapy. Accepts Medicaid, Medicare, and most other insurance providers. First assessment is free; sliding scale fees. Located in Central Seattle.
King County Public health
Offers comprehensive medical treatment. Accepts Medicare and Medicaid. Tiered flat fee for those without insurance; will not deny services to those who are unable to pay. Located in Central Seattle.
King County Needle Exchange
Needle exchange, clean injection supplies, overdose prevention training, on hand social workers, case managers and councilors. No fees. Locations in Central Seattle (multiple locations) and North Seattle.
Matt Talbot Center
DBHR-certified services; outpatient drug and alcohol and relapse prevention services. No fees. Located in Central Seattle.
DBHR-certified services; outpatient and mental health treatment. Will not accept patients needing detoxification or inpatient care. Accepts Medicaid; sliding scale fees. Located in Burien.
Ridgefield Recovery Services
Inpatient treatment for those suffering from opioid addiction. Detox, inpatient and outpatient care, aftercare and long term rehabilitation care offered. Most health insurance accepted; can structure payment plans for those without. Locations in Vancouver, WA and Ridgefield WA.
Family and Maternity services
3W Medical for Women
Sexual health and pregnancy services. Most services are free; appointments not required. Located in North Seattle.
Catholic Community Services Pregnancy and Parenting support
Counseling, education, and emergency services for families with children up to five years of age. No fees. Located in South Seattle.
Cedar River Clinics
Abortion, birth control, STD and HIV services as well as reproductive health and hormone services and counseling. Medicaid and most insurance plans accepted; sliding scale fees. Located in Central Seattle.
Children’s Home Society of Washington
Parenting classes, support groups, preventative health services and maternity support services for low-income and pregnant women with state medical assistance. Accepts Medicaid. Located in North Seattle.
City of Seattle
Financial assistance for families with children under 13 years of age. Located in Central Seattle.
County Doctor Community Health Centers
Comprehensive health services, prenatal and pregnancy care services for those who receive state medical assistance. Accepts Medicaid. Located in Central Seattle.
Family Works WIC
Nutrition, food assistance, and referrals for pregnant women and new mothers. Serves those at or below 185 percent of the Federal Poverty Level. No fees. Located in North Seattle.
First Place
Education and early learning programs for children ages 3-5 from families in crises. No fees. Located in Central Seattle.
Health services for pregnant women and mothers and children. Accepts Medicaid; sliding scale fees for those without health insurance. Multiple locations around Seattle.
International Community Health Services
Pregnancy services, HIV testing and treatment for pregnant women and new mothers. Accepts Medicaid, Medicare and private insurance plans; sliding scale fees. Multiple locations around Seattle. WIC only located in Shoreline.
King County Public Health
Family health services. Locations in Central Seattle, North Seattle and South Seattle (multiple locations)
Mary’s Place
Day center and shelter for homeless families with children. No fees. Locations in Central Seattle, South Seattle and North Seattle.
Outpatient therapy and mental health services for families and children. Accepts Medicaid, Medicare and private insurance; sliding scale fees. Locations in Burien and South Seattle.
Neighborcare Health
Services for pregnant women including midwife services. Accepts Medicare, Medicaid and most insurance plans. Multiple locations around Seattle.
North Helpline
Baby cupboard offering supplies to families with children under the age of 2 and providing some assistance to children 2-5. Visits are permitted once per week and serves anyone experiencing homelessness. No fees. Multiple locations in North Seattle.
Northwest Harvest
Baby cupboard for children five years of age and younger. One visit per day permitted. No fees. Located in Central Seattle.
Odessa Brown
Outpatient pediatric health services for youths from infancy to adolescence. Accepts Medicaid or third-party payment. Located in Central Seattle.
Pregnancy Aid of South King County
Counseling for pregnant women, new mothers, caretakers, and children five years of age and younger. No fees. Located in Des Moines.
University of Washington Medical Center
Obstetrical services for pregnant women with varying fees. Accepts Medicaid, private insurance, and many managed care plans. Located in North Seattle.
DBHR-certified services; outpatient mental health treatment for children and adults ages 3-25. Accepts Medicaid, private insurance and private pay; sliding scale fees. Located in South Seattle.
food assistance
Ballard Food Bank
Food pantry and home delivery. Application required; no fees. Located in North Seattle.
Food bank and commodities. No fees. Two locations in North Seattle.
Highline Area Food Bank
Food pantry serving residents of Highline area. No fees. Located in Burien.
Grocery style food bank with emergency food bags available serving those at or below 185 percent of the Federal Poverty Level. Serves Lake Forest Park and Shoreline residents only. No fees. Located in Shoreline.
King County 2-1-1 Crisis Connections
Pre-screening for Food Stamp applications for households at or below 200 percent of the Federal Poverty Level. No Fees.
Delivers meals to those living in South King County coming home from hospital, nursing home or other inpatient facility. No fees. Located in South King County.
North Helpline
Food pantry and commodities for those experiencing homelessness. No fees. Two locations in North Seattle.
Northwest Harvest
Food back with groceries and sack lunches. Open to everyone and permitting visits once a day. No fees. Located in Central Seattle.
Pike Market Food Bank
Food bank with limited delivery service serving those suffering from homelessness and those living in specific Central Seattle zip codes. No fees. Located in Central Seattle.
Queen Anne Food Bank
Meals, sack lunches and food pantry. No fees. Located in Central Seattle.
Rainier Valley Food Bank
Food bank offering home delivery services. No fees. Located in South Seattle.
Transform Burien
Hot meals and groceries offered. No fees. Located in Burien.
Tukwila Pantry
Food pantry and hot meal program serving residents of Tukwila, SeaTac, Burien and Boulevard Park. No fees. Located in Tukwila.
University District Food Bank
Food pantry and baby cupboard with home delivery options. No fees. Located in North Seattle.
West Seattle Food Bank
Food pantry and baby cupboard with home delivery options. No fees. Located in South Seattle.
White Center Food Bank
Food pantry, food bags and baby supplies with delivery options. No fees. Located in South Seattle.
YMCA of Seattle
Food pantry. No fees. Located in Central Seattle.
general health services
Country Doctor Community health Centers
Comprehensive health care and after-hours clinic serving adults and children. Accepts Medicare, Medicaid, and many other insurance providers. Will not turn away patients due to inability to pay for treatment. Located in Central Seattle.
Harborview Medical Respite
Short-term respite beds for sick homeless adults. Accepts Medicaid and Medicare. Located in Central Seattle.
Primary medical care and mental health services. Accepts Medicaid; sliding scale fees. Multiple locations around Seattle.
International Community Health Services
Primary medical care and behavioral health services. Accepts Medicaid, Medicare and major private insurance plans. Multiple locations around Seattle.
King County Public Health Centers
Primary medical care services. Multiple locations around Seattle.
Neighborcare Health
General health care and mental health services for adults over the age of 18. Accepts Medicaid and most major health insurance plans. No fees. Located in North Seattle.
Pioneer Square Medical Clinic
Comprehensive outpatient mental and physical health care services for low-income and homeless adults 18 years of age and older. Accepts Medicaid, Medicare, and many other insurance plans. Free for homeless adults. Located in Central Seattle.
Sea Mar Community Health center
Diagnosis, treatment and health services. Accepts Medicare and Medicaid; sliding scale fees. Multiple locations around Seattle.
housing services
Attain Housing
Housing and support for homeless and at-risk families in King County. Located in Kirkland.
Bellwether Housing
Permanent rental housing for low-income renters available through a waiting list. Located in Central Seattle.
Compass Housing Alliance
Transitional and permanent housing for low-income individuals and families including support for seniors and veterans. Located in Central Seattle.
Coordinated Entry for All
King County referral service that connects clients to supportive, low-income and affordable housing services for all people experiencing homelessness in King County. Locations in Central Seattle, North Seattle, Bellevue, Kirkland and Renton.
Elizabeth Gregory Home
Transitional housing for sober, single, low-income or homeless women 18 years of age and older. Fees are 30% monthly income. Located in North Seattle.
Housing Search Northwest
Multilingual low-income housing listing website.
King County Housing Authority
Rental housing and assistance providing subsidized and affordable housing. Office located in Tukwila.
Low Income Housing Institute
Low-income housing. Rent is 30% household monthly income.
Pioneer Human Services
Affordable drug and alcohol-free transitional and permanent housing serving individuals who have been recently incarcerated or in substance abuse treatment programs. Fees vary. Located in Central Seattle.
Seattle Housing Authority
Public housing with preference given to homeless and low-income individuals at or below 30% of Area Median Income. No application fees. Located in Central Seattle.
mental health services
Community Psychiatric Clinic
Outpatient mental health amd substance use disorder treatment services. Housing programs for homeless adults over 18 years of age with mental illness. Accepts Medicaid, Medicare, private insurance and private pay; fees vary by program. Located in North Seattle.
IKRON Corporation
DBHR-certified services; outpatient mental health and substance use disorder counseling. Accepts Medicaid and private pay; sliding scale fees. Located in Bellevue.
DBHR-certified services; comprehensive mental health care and supportive services for serious mental illnesses in adults. Accepts Medicaid. Located in Burien.
Pioneer Human Services
DBHR-certified services; mental health assessments, counseling, and evaluations for adults 18 years of age and older. Accepts Medicaid; sliding scale fees. Located in Central Seattle.
Sea Mar Community Health Centers
DBHR-certified services; outpatient behavioral health clinics. Accepts Medicaid. Locations in South Seattle and Des Moines.
Therapeutic Health Services
Menal health services and group counseling. Accepts Medicaid, Private Pay and private insurance plans; sliding scale fees. Locations in Central Seattle, Shoreline, South Seattle (multiple locations) and Bellevue.
Valley Cities
DBHR-certified services; mental health care, primary health care, and pharmacy services. Accepts Medicaid and Medicare; sliding scale fees. Locations in Des Moines, North Seattle (multiple locations), South Seattle and Central Seattle.
Veteran Services
Duwamish Veterans Program
The mission of the Duwamish Native American Veterans program is to educate and assist Native American Veterans without regard to Tribal affiliation, Degree of Indian Blood , Branch of the armed forces, or Combat status in obtaining healing, medicines, resources and to identify the needs of our Native Veteran families and community members and provide resources to support those needs. The Duwamish Native American Veterans association will also promote healing through, circles via Zoom and small gatherings, promote healing through, circles via zoom and small gatherings, promote outreach support and traditional healing methods.
Boots to Shoes Foundation
Trained volunteers from business and professional communities available to assist veterans in transitioning to civilian jobs. Veterans and mentors meet twice a month in person or electronically. No fees. Located in Bellevue.
Compass Housing Alliance
Offers multiple veteran services including housing, case management and support for low-income veterans and families. Multiple locations for different services including Renton, Pioneer Square and Shoreline.
Community Psychiatric Clinic
Rehousing, move-in assistance and case management services for adult veterans and families with discharge other than dishonorable who are experiencing homelessness. No fees. Located in North Seattle.
Disabled American Veterans Network Office
Transportation to medical services at the Veterans Administration Hospital. No fees. Located at the VA Medical Center.
El Centro de la Raza
Information and referrals regarding food, housing, filing clains, appeals, PTSD and crisis management and employment assistance serving all veterans but primarily women and people of color. No fees. Located in South Seattle.
Seattle Vet Center
Offers benefit and job service referrals, mental health intake assessments and bereavement counseling to veterans and occasionally families. No fees. Located in South Seattle.
Veterans Affairs Puget Sound
Inpatient, outpatient and emergency services for veterans enrolled in the VA Puget Sound Health Care System. No fees. Primary care located in Lake City, Hospital located in South Seattle.
YWCA of Seattle
Employment and training services for veterans. No fees. Located in Central Seattle.
Blaine Center Shelter
24-hour shelter providing meals, showers, laundry, housing and referral services serving men 18 years of age and older. Space is limited; fees are $21 per week.
Catholic Community Services Women’s Referral Center
Nightly emergency shelter and referrals for women the age of 18 or older. Does not accept children. No fees. Located in Central Seattle.
Emergency shelters serving women the age of 18 and older, men the age of 60 and older, and those living with mental illness, developmental disabilities, substance use disorder or medical conditions the age of 18 and older. No fees. Located in Central Seattle.
Eastside Shelter for Families
Emergency shelter serving single women and families providing meals. No fees. Rotating locations in Eastside Seattle.
Hospitality House
Shelter offering up to three month stays to single homeless women the age of 18 and older. No fees. Locate4d in Burien.
King County Homeless Shelter Program
Shelter serving men the age of 18 or older and providing accommodations to transgender clients who identify as male. No fees. Located in Central Seattle.
Shelter serving homeless men and women the age of 18 or older. No fees. Located in Central Seattle.
St. Martin de Porres Shelter
Emergency shelter offering indefinite lengths of stay for men 50 years of age and older. No fees. Located in Central Seattle.