Tribal Historic Preservation


Welcome to the Duwamish tribal historic and cultural preservation web page!

Cultural preservation is responsible for preserving precontact archaeological resources. We provide guidance and comments on SEPA/NEPA notifications and EIS statements within and around traditional Duwamish lands. Along with archaeologists we have been present when excavation or soil disturbance occurs in and around our sacred sites.

We work closely with our Tribal elders, consult with local museums, community partners, environmental justice groups, and local governmental entities to preserve our ancestors’ knowledge and cultural resources.

To contact the cultural preservation department for SEPA, DAHP consultation and EIS statements, please email Our THPO - tribal historic preservation officer - is Council Member John Boddy.

Please note this is a small department and we will do our best to respond as quickly as we can. If you need information about the Duwamish Tribe or to schedule a visit to view our museum gallery, please email or call the Longhouse at 206-431-1582.

Check out KIYA’S NATIVE PLANT NURSERY next time you visit the Duwamish Longhouse!